ServicesFirst Presbyterian Church, Brownsville meets each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. for worship in person or through our YouTube channel.
Adult Sunday School meets at 9:45 a.m. in the parlor. The class is led by Elder Virginia Perez. Everyone is welcome. After the anthem, children meet with Kimbra Saxon for Kids Connection in the children's Sunday school room. 175 years and counting!First Presbyterian Church, Brownsville is the oldest Protestant congregation in the valley. It all began on a humble riverboat, Whiteville, with the Rev Hiram Chamberlain (father to Henrietta King of King Ranch) at her helm. First Brownsville was organized on February 23, 1850, and throughout our 170+ years, we give God the glory. Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you will join us for worship or our missions and services in Brownsville.
Our current church was built in 1927 by the Kelwood Company. The church's bell was donated in 1876 by Captain Richard King. The bell was transported from the old church to our current building.
Worship Worship at First Brownsville is a blend of traditional and contemporary worship. Each month the children collect a "noisy" offering collecting coins and paper. Their offerings have blessed local ministries as well as global. Each month we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. You could say "we like to celebrate!"
Summer Service
On June 5 we are celebrating the birthday of The Church: Pentecost Sunday. Come to church wearing red, white, orange, yellow representing the flames of the Holy Spirit coming down to ignite us. The children will celebrate this birthday with a piñata party after worship. Come, Holy Spirit! Our Summer Series "Come to the Waters" kicks off on June 12. Worshipers are encouraged to wear beach attire, Hawaiian shirts and shorts, flip flops, or come in your Sunday best. All are welcome. Come as you are. We worship every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary and on YouTube. |
First Presbyterian Church is celebrating our 175th anniversary. Each person is asked to bring 175 cents as a birthday gift to benefit our Presbyterian ministries with community sustainability, hunger and our neighbors around the world. If you would like to give, call the church office or use our giving button and send to "Special Activities."
Stay tuned for special activities happening in the month of February. |
FellowshipWe have created a Gathering Space in the back of the sanctuary for coffee and fellowship before and after worship. We hope you come and visit with us. There is a space for you.
Cross-Generational Fiesta- As part of our efforts in building fellowship, we periodically host special events like the Cross-Generational Fiesta.